Edward Romig - President
Just a quick little back story on what brought me into this business. I graduated in 1992, yeah I know I'm getting old. In 1999, I was in a motorcycle accident which left me in a coma for 3 weeks. I then spent 3 months as an in patient in Good Shepherd Hospital located in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. I have had to learn how to walk, talk, everything all over again. I am now left with a little bit of a speech issue and I walk with a little bit of a limp.
That my friends is how Dream Buiders SEO was born. I took the bull by the horns and jumped into Digital Marketing head first. I'm now a small business guy and absolutely LOVE what I do. Now that I've got the system and it's helping me grow my business, I want to help you grow yours. If you are a small business looking for real result in the world of internet marketing and want someone that has been in your shoes to help you do it, you're in the right place.
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